Me, May 2010

Me in May 2010

I am Ramona, a mother, kundalini yoga teacher, communication designer, life artist. I am daughter, friend, wife and mama. I play so many roles. So who am I? It is up to you.

I am interested in crafts, calligraphy, knitting, sewing, Non Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, vegan and raw vegan foods, organic lifestyle, yoga and martial arts. I practise gatka and intuitive archery (more or less). I wear organic or second hand clothes and buy mostly organic produced food & cosmetics. I use greenpeace energy and try to recycle as much as I can.

My spiritual name is Raghubir Kaur which means ‚the keeper of Gods power‘.

  • In 2002 I gave birth to my daughter.
  • In 2006 I took part in the Kundalini yoga teachers training by 3HO (Happy Healthy Holy Organisation)
  • In 2007 I took part in the gong training with my teacher Nanak Dev Singh.
  • In 2008 I finished my studies as graphic/communication designer and gave birth to my son.
  • At the end of 2008 I moved from Hamburg to Freiburg im Breisgau.

Here I establish my business, take care of my family and enjoy life as much as possible.

Now I am really curious on which path universe will lead me.
Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing a bit of life with me, be it active or passive.

10 Antworten to “About”

  1. 1 Trudy McLauchlan 27. Januar 2009 um 01:53

    Hi Ramona
    Happy New Year! Hope you are feeling settled and enjoying your new place. Margot sent a Christmas parcel to Charlotte to your old address. Did she receive it? We haven’t heard from you for such a long time, but realise you have had a very busy time. Margot has a new email address if Charlotte would like to contact her. It is :

  2. 2 coolcat 3. Juli 2009 um 15:19


    ich habe dich via ravelry gefunden und festgestellt, dass wir in der gleichen stadt wohnen. ich suche gerade nach ein bisschen inspiration in waldorf- angelegenheiten, vielleicht hast du ja mal lust, dich mit mir/ uns zu treffen.
    liebe grüße!


  3. 3 Inés 5. April 2010 um 22:22

    Sehr interessant,

    habe aus versehen, bei Anja im blog auf Dein Bild geklickt und habe mich bei Dir ein bisschen festgelesen. Dein Leben klingt total interessant und erinnert mich zum Teil an mein früheres Leben und das was ich mir für meine Zukunft wünschen würde.

    Vielen Dank für die kleinen Inspirationen.


  4. 4 Karoline 28. April 2010 um 14:31

    Liebe Ramona, ich lese schon eine ganze Weile bei dir mit und finde so viele schöne Anregungen bei dir – danke! In der Geo habe ich einen, wie ich finde, tollen Artikel über „Transition towns“ gelesen, der dich vielleicht auch interessiert ( Wüsste gern, was du davon hälst.
    Schöne Grüße!

  5. 5 Rena 6. Juli 2010 um 15:28

    Hi Ramona, so nice to see you after all these years. I will be back often to visit!!! How wonderful you are a yoga instructer, that is awesome!! I can’t wait to snoop around and see what wonderful art, and craft projects you have been creating, how FUN!!!! I am so new to blogging, and it’s a bit limited because I do not have high speed internet ( we live in the country) so when I post pictures, it means lugging my lap top to a cafe that offers wi fi, silly, here we are in 2010 and I am still operating in a primitive way! tee hee.

    Well so wonderful to see you hear, please keep in touch!! Have a beautiful day!

  6. 6 Stacy (Mama-Om) 18. Juli 2010 um 04:40

    I found you via This Moment and enjoyed visiting your blog… I have been practicing nonviolent communication, too.

    It’s nice to „meet“ you!


  7. 7 MamaQ 9. Dezember 2010 um 12:16

    you won the furoshiki giveaway on my blog and i need to reach you – can you contact me via email or send me your mailing address? thank you!

  8. 8 ellen 11. Dezember 2010 um 00:15

    Hello! I love your blog, Ramona. You have a lovely way of bringing it altogether. Is it possible to sign up for email blog updates? I only saw the RSS feed and don’t follow German. Thanks.

  9. 9 alltagstipps 30. September 2011 um 20:43


    habe diesen wunderbaren Blog durch Zufall entdeckt und bin begeistert. Tolle Geschichten, wunderschöne Bilder, herrrrrlich!!!

  1. 1 Ich habe geheiratet | Trackback zu 5. Dezember 2010 um 13:17

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